Kevin Graal is a highly skilled children’s storyteller with a repertoire of interactive stories, riddles, songs and rhymes from around the world.
Kevin is also an inspiring educator, working with an impressive range of partners from schools and community groups to leading arts and educational organisations such as Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre, Kew Gardens, the British Library and the British Council.
Kevin’s innate way with words - inherited from his Irish family - has been honed by more than 30 years’ experience in early years settings, schools, museums, art galleries, conference centres and training venues. His finely tuned storytelling combines careful planning with playful improvisation and is always filled with laughter, music and imagination.
Storytelling in schools, linked to curriculum topics & literacy goals. Big-group performances of stories from around the world. Single-class workshops on key aspects of storytelling & story-writing. Combinations of performances & workshops. Tailor-made projects for improving teamwork & self-esteem.
Find out more Stories & arts activities for Nursery & Reception classes in schools, day nurseries, children’s centres & playgroups. Sessions linked to UK Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework. Tailor-made projects & programmes for arts centres, museums & art galleries. Publications & recordings.
Find out more Projects & partnerships with leading UK art galleries, museums & arts in education organisations. Interdisciplinary collaborations with artists, writers, musicians & composers. International assignments for the British Council. One-off storytelling events at festivals, book fairs, libraries, theatres & community centres. Publications & media.
Find out more Online training in storytelling, language & literacy for early years practitioners & primary school teachers. Onsite workshops & presentations for INSET days & after-school staff meetings. Keynote speaking at conferences & for professional development programmes & events in the UK & abroad. Demonstrations for volunteers & staff on arts & community projects.
Find out more A new, free Resources page with rhymes, songs, stories and storytelling ideas - from animated play-rhymes for babies and tales for toddlers to thought-provoking fables, funny folktales and beautifully narrated picture-books for children and young people.
Find out more News of Kevin’s recent and forthcoming storytelling work including a new, free Resources section on this website, exciting online storytelling commissions and new, self-directed online training sessions for Early Years practitioners & primary school teachers.
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